Marketing Outreach Help Center

How to Use Omni

(Answers to All Your Questions)

Hey Omni User 👋,

OmniBox redefines convenience by serving as a centralised hub within the Omni platform, seamlessly integrating all your communication channels. Think of it as your digital command center, aggregating emails, SMS, and various other channels into one intuitive inbox.

Key Features of OmniBox:

  1. Smart Search: Seamlessly locate specific messages or replies by typing in relevant keywords, enabling swift access to vital information.
  2. Status Filtering: Tailor your search with ease using our status filter options. Refine your results based on various statuses such as:
  3. All: Access a comprehensive overview of all responses.
  4. Unread: Quickly locate messages you haven't yet viewed.
  5. Not Replied To: Identify messages that require your response.
  6. Date Range: Retrieve conversations and replies by specifying a desired date range.
  7. Channel Sorting: This allows you to focus on specific channels.
  8. Campaigns: Instantly retrieve information related to a campaign by searching its name.
  9. All-Inclusive Inboxes: OmniBox allows you to explore conversations and replies from different senders' email accounts.

Happy campaigning!
