Marketing Outreach Help Center

How to Use Omni

(Answers to All Your Questions)

Hey Omni User 👋,

Multichannel campaigns use different channels like Email, SMS, LinkedIn, and other upcoming channels to create a sequence and send outreaches.

How do I run one? 🏃‍♂️

  • Create a New Campaign or click on an existing campaign.
  • Navigate to the Sequence tab. How to create a new campaign? (add link)
  • On the Sequence page:

    • Create a sequence by choosing the channels you want, adding the message, and selecting custom variables from the dropdown menu. For example.

      • You can create a sequence like Step 1:- Email, Step 2:- SMS, Step 3:- LinkedIn Message, Step 4:-Email

    • To add a step, click on "Add a new step."

    • Specify the number of days for sending the next step.

    • Click on save and proceed to the next tab for the next step to create a multichannel campaign.
